Wicked Part 1 Keyboard Skills from Musical Contexts contains treble clef melody line arrangements from 5 selected songs as featured in Wicked Part 1: No One Mourns the Wicked, The Wizard and I, Popular, What is the Feeling? and Defying Gravity.

Each song or piece of music is presented in four differentiated ways: (see sample images)
treble clef single line staff notation, lyrics and chords
treble clef single line staff notation with fingering, lyrics and chords
treble clef single line staff notation with note names, lyrics and chords
treble clef single line staff notation with fingering, note names, lyrics and chords

The most complex Key Signatures are two sharps or one flat and the arrangements are all in 4/4 time. Each song contains dynamic markings, some with changes in dynamics, and a tempo or performance direction to encourage effective performance technique.
Chords can be used as a Stretch and Challenge task and performed either as triads, using the "single finger" chord function found on several keyboards or on guitars or ukuleles, or any other suitable instrument as an accompaniment.
Wicked Part 1 Keyboard Skills is a flexible, practical and invaluable music resource leading on from the film's 2024 release success. You could include arrangements within a "Keyboard Skills" unit, set one or more arrangements as practical keyboard cover work, or use arrangements as part of a "Wicked Keyboard Challenge".
Wicked Part 1 Keyboard Skills contains 20 scores and is available to download upon purchase as a ZIP file containing the separate arrangements as .pdf files: ideal for 'print, play and go!'