Essential, practical and flexible Christmas music resources that can be used year after year!

Christmas Classics Keyboard Skills comes in 2 Volumes of treble clef melody line arrangements of 20 well-known Christmas Songs.
Each Christmas song is presented in four differentiated ways:
treble clef single line notation with chords and lyrics
treble clef single line notation with fingering, chords and lyrics
treble clef single line notation with note names, chords and lyrics
treble clef single line notation with fingering, note names, chords and lyrics

The most complex key signatures within Volumes 1 and 2 are two sharps and one flat and each song contains dynamic markings and a tempo or performance direction to encourage effective performance technique.

Arrangements from Christmas Classics Keyboard Skills Volumes 1 and 2 can be used within a "Christmas Keyboard Skills" unit, be set as practical Christmas keyboard cover work, or be used within a "Christmas Keyboard Challenge" over one or more music lessons on the busy approach to Christmas.

Each volume contains 40 scores: ideal for 'print, play and go!'